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mengangkat lagi bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "mengangkat lagi"
  • mengangkat:    carry; designate; doff; eaised up; elevate;
  • lagi:    again; anew; anymore; else; more; yet; another;
  • mengangkat:    carry; designate; doff; eaised up; elevate; elevated; elevating; get ahead; haul up; hauled up; hauling up; heave; hoist; lift; lift up; lifted; lifted up; lifting; lifting up; raise up; raised; upl
  • lagi:    again; anew; anymore; else; more; yet; another; any more; in the act (of); in return; furthermore; ayein; as well; any longer; any; agyen; other; still; repeatedly; further; what is more; ayen; more
  • mengangkat (bahu):    shrugged; shruggeding
  • mengangkat bahu:    shrug; shrug the shoulders; shrugged the shoulders; shrugging; shrugging the shoulders
  • mengangkat kembali:    restore
  • mengangkat sauh:    weigh anchor
  • mengangkat senjata:    bore arms
  • mengangkat suara:    mouth; speak; utter; talk; verbalize; verbalise
  • mengangkat sumpah:    swear out; swearing out; swore out; sworn out; take an oath; imprecate; swear; depone; cuss; blaspheme; curse; depose
  • mengangkat tangan:    a show of hands; person raising hands
  • mengangkat toast:    propose a toast; proposing a toast
  • mengangkat ujung:    tip up
  • lagi-lagi:    time and again; more and more; again and again; over and over; increasingly; progressively; over and over again; time and time again
  • He could feed a memory over and over again.
    Dia selalu bisa mengangkat lagi memori.
  • You can't lift anymore.
    Kau tak sanggup mengangkat lagi.
  • That night they dug up the box and tried to take it away, hoping it would be treasure.
    Malam itu, mereka mengangkat lagi kotaknya dan mencoba melarikannya sambil mengharapkan harta karun.
  • A number of options were considered, including seeking membership in the specialized agencies, applying for observer status, applying for full membership, or having resolution 2758 revoked to reclaim the seat of China in the UN.
    Sejumlah opsi bermunculan, termasuk pengajuan keanggotaan dalam badan terspesialisasi, menyematkan status pengamat, penyematan keanggotaan penuh, atau mengangkat lagi resolusi 2758 untuk mengklaim kembali kursi Tiongkok di PBB.